Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA)

What is Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA)?

In diffuse patterned loss, patients experience thinning throughout the frontal scalp, vertex and back crown. All the hairs of this condition undergo miniaturization. However, the sides and the back are spared and preserve the stable “permanent zone. With DPA a well-defined hairline is retained. DPA predominantly affects both male and females.

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    Unlike male and female pattern hair loss which have the propensity to follow one of the balding patterns as defined by the Norwood scale and Ludwig scale, Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA) is demonstrated as diffuse thinning over the entire front, vertex, and crown with no distinguished pattern evident. DPA is also a form of a genetic balding condition like androgenetic alopecia. However, a clear difference is that the hair is not completely lost, but rather thins out enough that the underlying scalp becomes visible.

    Causes of Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA)

    Similar to androgenic alopecia, DPA is also a type of hereditary hair loss that generally runs in families. The most common cause of diffused pattern alopecia is Dihydrotestostero- a byproduct of the male hormone testosterone. DHT collects in the scalp’s tissues, where it may adversely affect the hair follicle only if the patient has a genetic sensitivity to the DHT hormone. Not all individuals are susceptible to DHT, but if such sensitivity exists, then DHT prevents the hair follicle from obtaining nutrients by obstructing its track passage to the blood supply.

    This shortage of blood flow makes the follicles shrink (which is also known as “miniaturization”). In DPA, instead of halting to produce, new hairs turn out to be thin and brittle. Various research has indicated that when the level of DHT increases, the resulting androgens begin attacking hair follicles. This leads to the weakening of the follicles, potentially impacting their competency to grow strong, healthy, and lustrous hair.

    Groups who are most affected by Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA)

    DPA is an inherent hair loss problem, which refers that there is no fixed age to catch this disorder. DPA can start to demonstrate itself at any age, but due to the undeniable fact that it is caused by a male sex hormone, it is much more detectable in adult men than women. Women have DHT in their bodies, but their hereditary formation makes them less vulnerable to the destructive effects of DHT on hair follicles. Women on the other hand are much more prone to crop up diffuse unpatterned alopecia (DUPA), which is depicted by thinning of hair even in the donor zone as well.

    Treatments available for Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA)

    DPA mostly responds substantially to medical hair loss treatments like Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride) and, due to the conservation of the permanent donor area, many DPA sufferers become eligible candidates for hair transplant surgery.

    The extremity of DPA can be lowered by taking hair-stimulating medicines such as Minoxidil and finasteride. Minoxidil is known to broaden the hair follicle (thickening the hair), stimulating hair re-growth, and allowing the follicle to enter longer stages of anagen (the growth phase), which sustains a longer time span of active growth. While Finasteride is an oral pill that works by reducing the effect of Dihydrotestosterone and prevents the 5 alpha-reductase from restraining testosterone into DHT, which can slow down or even arrest the DPA process.

    In addition, those suffering from DPA often respond well to surgical treatments like hair transplants. In diffuse patterned alopecia, the back of the scalp remains unaffected and therefore rich in good hairs hair restoration is an ideal option. For this reason, DPA patients are suitable candidates for follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) and follicular unit extraction (FUE).

    Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA)

    In DUPA, patients develop hair thinning not only on the top and front of the scalp but also at the back and sides. In males with DUPA, the large part of hair on the scalp is undergoing miniaturization or will later at some point in time. The significance of identifying DUPA is the fact that hair restoration is not an option. Hairs at the back are not of superior quality to move as they are (or will sometimes become) miniaturized. If a hair restoration surgery is performed on a patient with DUPA, it may look convincing for a few years, but the restored hairs are at a big risk to thin out and be lost over a span of time.

    Intensely Diffuse Pattern Alopecia – Treatment & Solutions

    Treatment & Solutions for Intensely Diffuse Pattern Alopecia in Women/Female

    Characteristics of Female Diffuse Alopecia

    The most common reason for female baldness is characterized by centripetal hair loss. In such conditions, the hair follicles miniaturize. As a result, hairs thin down, while preserving the hairline. Contrary to male pattern baldness where patients lose all their hair, women only lose maximum hair, not all.

    They witness the following characteristics:

    • It is a common phenomenon in the anagen (growth phase) and telogen (resting phase)
    • More than 80% of FPHL is a genetic issue
    • The front hairline remains unaffected. Women have central-type alopecia
    • Matured hairs convert to fine downy hairs, causing hair miniaturization
    • Excess hair thinning, from 0.06mm to about 0.03mm and even less
    • Hair fall pattern follows the path of perifollicular inflammatory infiltration
    • Increased production of the fibrous stele and fibro-vascular serpentines
    • Apoptosis regulation alters, thus causing self-destruction of cells
    • In about 50% of women suffering from this hair loss pattern, hyper-androgynism is not associated

    Treatment for Female Diffuse Alopecia

    Although the pathogen causing hair loss has not been discovered yet, however, certain pathological and lab experiments have found its effective response to local and pharmacological treatments. And all such experiments have to lead to a treatment procedure called differential diagnosis. Female hair loss can happen for various reasons.

    These include fever, anxiety, pregnancy, thyroid diseases, cicatricial alopecia, telogen effluvium, polycystic ovary syndrome, alopecia from Vitamin-D or Iron deficiency, traction alopecia and diffuse alopecia areata. In order to determine the actual cause of the hair loss pattern, surgeons conduct blood rest and study the nutritional, hormonal, and immunological factors. Based on their understanding, they get into the roots of the problem and devise the most appropriate treatment for the disorder.

    Combination Treatment for Intense Diffuse Alopecia

    Intense diffuse alopecia in women is treated through a combination of 4 medical therapies- Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Carboxytherapy and Mesotherapy.

    1. Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) – LLLT is a non-invasive treatment in which light emits from a device and enters deep into the scalp. In this process, dermatologists use helium-neon (632.8nm), excimer (308nm), or fractional erbium-glass (1550nm) lasers to release red light into the targeted scalp region. Photons from the emitted light mix with cytochrome C oxidase and produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP, so formed, helps to increase blood flow in the scalp and metabolizes the catagen and the telogen hair follicles. This leads to the production of new anagen hairs. In this therapy, nitric oxide released from cells distributes oxygen and vital nutrients to the roots of hairs. LLLT treatment also prevents an excess build-up of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a component responsible for androgenic alopecia in women.
    2. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) – In this procedure, dermatologists take the patient’s blood and finely process it. Then they extract the platelet-rich plasma cells and inject them into the scalp. Essential proteins and nutrients of the cells influence natural hair growth. It enhances the rate of metabolism of the cells, increases the production of collagen, and activates stem cells. All such factors activate the hair follicles, which further leads to potential hair growth. PRP treatment has several benefits. It is a simple and non-surgical procedure. Thus, patients hardly go through any kind of discomfort. It provides safe, reliable, and natural-looking results. Candidates have a quick recovery, after this treatment. It is also cost-efficient and takes minimum time for the entire process. Based on modern technology, it is a convenient and flexible therapy.
    3. Carboxytherapy – Carboxytherapy refers to the injection of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the targeted scalp area, which helps in promoting the flow of blood. Due to the mechanism, it stimulates the hair follicles and restores hair on the scalp. Carboxytherapy is often combined with LLLT, for more effective results. Surgeons use surgical steel needles to insert CO2 gas into the scalp. While doing so, they form an abrasion and activate the platelets. In the combined treatment program, Carboxytherapy is alternatively performed with PRP and Mesotherapy. As the treatment advances, it gradually shows results. However, it is a very painful treatment for patients. Since scalps are highly sensitive to pain, it develops pain. To restrict the painful effects, the surgeons apply analgesics, about 30 to 40 minutes prior to the treatment. Once the procedure comes to an end, patients undergo minimal feelings of pain.
    4. Mesotherapy – Another amazing hair loss treatment, Mesotherapy, along with PRP and Carboxytherapy provides wonderful results. In Mesotherapy, dermatologists or surgeons provide a boost of vitamins to the scalp. As a result, blood circulation within the specific area improves, and hair follicles are well nourished. Such factors stimulate hair re-growth and bring back lost hair, with immediate effect. The Mesotherapy solution also works on the dihydrotestosterone (DTH) hormone and neutralizes its effects. During the procedure, surgeons consider the hair loss intensity and tenure of treatment to make micro-punctures on the scalp. On average, the density of punctures is 0.2ml. This process continues till the end of treatment.

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    Diffuse Patterned Alopecia FAQs

    • How Doctor Diagnose Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA)?
    • How is Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA) Different from Normal Alopecia?
    • What is diffuse pattern alopecia?
    • Is diffuse alopecia curable?
    • What causes diffuse pattern hair loss
    • What does diffuse alopecia look like?
    • How do you treat diffuse alopecia naturally?
    • Is diffuse hair loss permanent?
    • Can stress cause diffuse hair loss?
    • Is diffuse alopecia autoimmune?
    • Is diffuse alopecia scarring?
    • Can minoxidil cure scarring alopecia?
    • Does alopecia get worse as you get older?
    • Who is most at risk for alopecia?
    • How do you stop alopecia from spreading?
    • Does hair grow back after diffuse alopecia?
    • How long does diffuse hair loss last?
    • Why is Care Well Medical Centre the best diffuse pattern alopecia treatment in Delhi NCR?
    • Who is the best doctor for diffuse pattern alopecia treatment in Delhi?
    How Doctor Diagnose Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA)?

    Your expert hair dermatologist will be able to observe an equal amount of hair loss across the entire scalp and will be in a position to rule out any physical or chemical traumas. In budding stages, hair experts may be capable of determining distinctly miniaturized hairs that can signify DUPA by using the magnifying tool. In further stages, your hair physician will be competent to tell because the scalp is easily seen, and the hair loss will not fit conventional patterns.

    How is Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA) Different from Normal Alopecia?

    DUPA mainly depicts itself on the back and sides of the scalp at first, unlike male pattern baldness, which critically appears at the crown and the hairline. DUPA can at times mimic the signs of male pattern baldness at initial sight, but it shortly distinguishes itself by its promptness and exceptional widespread distribution of hair loss. As the term implies, DUPA hair loss does not abide by any single pattern of conventional hair loss and is majorly responsible for modifications in hair density as against complete baldness. Fundamentally, it cannot be recognized using the widely recognized Norwood/Hamilton charts, which visually portray the most common types of hair loss.

    What is diffuse pattern alopecia?

    Diffuse pattern alopecia is a type of hair loss that causes thinning of the hair all over the scalp. This kind of hair loss is usually gradual and symmetrical, and it can affect both men and women. The precise causing agent or reason for diffuse pattern alopecia is unclear. It may happen due to a combination of genetic and hormonal factors.

    Is diffuse alopecia curable?

    There is currently no cure for diffuse androgenetic alopecia. But some treatments can help slow or stop hair loss and promote regrowth. Standard treatment options are topical minoxidil and oral finasteride. Hair transplant surgery is also a good option. Sometimes, a combination of treatments may be necessary to achieve the best results.

    What causes diffuse pattern hair loss

    Androgenetic alopecia is a very common cause of hair loss in both men and women. It is a result of an inherited sensitivity to the hormone DHT. Pattern baldness can also happen due to nutritional deficiencies, and autoimmune disorders. Diffuse pattern baldness can also happen due to hormonal changes or medical conditions.

    What does diffuse alopecia look like?

    Diffuse patterned alopecia causes thinning of hair all over the scalp, not in specific areas. The hair loss is usually gradual and symmetrical, affecting both men and women. The hair may become delicate, short, and brittle, and the scalp may become more visible. Sometimes, an increase in hair shedding can lead to a decrease in hair volume.

    How do you treat diffuse alopecia naturally?

    There is no definite diffuse hair loss treatment. But some natural remedies like scalp massages and herbal supplements can be helpful. Following a healthy diet and managing stress well can also help. It is also advisable to avoid hairstyles that pull on the hair. Do not use chemical treatments, excessive heat, or harsh hair products.

    Is diffuse hair loss permanent?

    Some diffuse pattern hair loss, like Telogen effluvium, is temporary. It results from stress, pregnancy, or anemia and can lead to diffuse hair loss that regrows. At the same time, diffuse hair loss, like Androgenetic alopecia, is permanent. It is a genetic condition that is not curable. But the proper treatment can slow hair loss and promote hair regrowth.

    Can stress cause diffuse hair loss?

    Yes, stress can cause diffuse pattern hair loss. Stress can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle and cause Telogen Effluvium. Stress can also cause hair to enter a premature shedding phase. This can lead to an increased rate of hair loss.

    Is diffuse alopecia autoimmune?

    Diffuse pattern alopecia can occur by an autoimmune disorder called alopecia areata. This is a type of hair loss that occurs when the immune system attacks the hair follicles. This causes hair to fall out in small, round patches. The hair loss can be diffuse, affecting the entire scalp, or patchy, affecting only certain areas.

    Is diffuse alopecia scarring?

    Diffuse unpatterned alopecia is not a scarring type of alopecia, which means that it does not cause permanent damage to the hair follicles. The hair follicles remain intact and proper treatment can result in hair regrowth.

    Can minoxidil cure scarring alopecia?

    Minoxidil is a topical solution that has shown an increase in hair growth when applied to the scalp. But Minoxidil is not effective in diffuse pattern hair loss treatment. That is because it does not address the hair loss’s underlying cause, which is the scar tissue.

    Does alopecia get worse as you get older?

    The progression of diffuse pattern alopecia, and the rate and extent of hair loss, depending on the type. Almost 80% of men and women experience diffuse androgenetic alopecia before turning 40. The impact is less if alopecia areata occurs at an older age.

    Who is most at risk for alopecia?

    Alopecia can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. But, factors like genes and stress may increase the risk of alopecia. In some cases, improper diet or a medical condition can also lead to diffuse pattern alopecia.

    How do you stop alopecia from spreading?

    The best way to stop alopecia from spreading is to get an early diagnosis. Go for a diffuse patterned alopecia treatment from a dermatologist. You can also consult a hair loss specialist. Treatment may include medicines like topical corticosteroids, minoxidil, or immunomodulators. You can also consider a hair transplant.

    Does hair grow back after diffuse alopecia?

    Hair growth after diffuse pattern alopecia can differ from person to person. It is also dependent on the cause of hair loss. Sometimes, hair may grow back on its own without any treatment. But, for many people with diffuse alopecia, hair growth can be slow or may not occur without treatment.

    How long does diffuse hair loss last?

    Diffuse alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder, can last for varying periods. It can continue for some months to several years and can recur. Telogen effluvium, a type of diffuse hair loss caused by stress, can last for several months. In other cases, diffuse pattern hair loss may be permanent as well.

    Why is Care Well Medical Centre the best diffuse pattern alopecia treatment in Delhi NCR?

    Care Well Medical Centre is the best clinic for treating diffuse pattern alopecia. It excels in its services as the doctors use top-end techniques, equipment, and intense after-treatment care. The rates for treatments offered are reasonable, and the practitioners here are both experienced and learned. The clinic is well maintained, and the consultation sessions provide in-depth knowledge to the patients.

    Who is the best doctor for diffuse pattern alopecia treatment in Delhi?

    Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is the best doctor to treat diffuse pattern alopecia in Delhi. He is a highly qualified and experienced professional in the field. Dr. Bhasin’s portfolio is full of happy and satisfied patients. He offers a customer-centric approach, deeply understands his patients’ problems, and patiently provides them with the best possible treatment advice. The after-treatment care with Dr. Bhasin is remarkable. Overall, there is not a better doctor to get a diffuse pattern alopecia treatment in Delhi.

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