There is not one but many reasons why Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is becoming popular daily. Since the treatment involves using your blood to treat you, it is considered risk-free.

How long does the PRP procedure take For the Face, Hair, and Knee?

October 28, 2022 by Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

There is not one but many reasons why platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is becoming popular every day. Since the treatment involves using your blood to treat you, it is considered risk-free. With the safety factor established, we move on to the next element, which is the process.

The process or procedure does not consume much time as it involves an injection. The treatment can get over well within an hour, and the recovery is fast. Results do take time, say three weeks to a month. The joy lies in the duration. The sound effects last two years, although they involve three initial sessions. Hair loss, muscle injury, tendon injury at the knees, and face upliftment bring a new personality. Let us take an in-depth view of what the PRP procedure is all about.

PRP Skin Rejuvenation Treatment Procedure

PRP treatment is a process that is done by taking blood, separating the platelet from the blood after medically treating it, and then centrifuging it. Centrifuging concentrates the platelet, and it can be separated easily. The platelet is then injected into the relevant areas to see the benefits. One of the main ones includes skin rejuvenation.

The symptoms of tired skin become evident through lines and skin folds. These are especially visible in the areas around one’s mouth or lips, which look thicker. Treatment using dermal fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane helps treat this. But, both have Hyaluronic acid, and the treatment of such filling would take at least six months. The greatest period could extend to even eighteen months. The doctor carries out the refilling after this period if required. Such refilling is up to the doctor’s judgment. PRP Treatment for the face and PRP treatment for skin whitening can help rejuvenate the skin and give it a fresh look.

Collagen is an essential protein responsible for facial rejuvenation. PRP stimulates collagen growth. With such an increase, collagen carries out face rejuvenation in all facial areas.

PRP face treatment reaches out to areas the Hyaluronic acid fillers cannot reach. They also:

  • Removes tiredness from a face that looks tired
  • Hollowed cheeks find their way back to normal
  • Tightening of Skin tone
  • Smoothening of facial skin

Restylane and Juvederm are Hyaluronic fillers, as we already know. Thus, alternative usage of these two fillers is advisable while carrying out PRP treatment. The result of both fillers is encouraging. The person ends up with a younger face.

Short Summary

PRP procedure for the face has far better usefulness compared to Hydraulic fillers. The capacity to reach facial areas and carry out skin toning is undoubtedly satisfying. They also enhance the natural growth of Collagen.

PRP Benefits for Face

PRP Benefits For Face
PRP Benefits For Face

In this section, we discuss the benefits of PRP on the face. PRP procedure is yet to be universally accepted by medical practitioners. Whereas some recommend PRP as a treatment, some are yet to acknowledge it. There are used cases of PRP treatment in orthopedics, dentistry, gynecology, and dermatology, among others. Suppose you face the challenge of acne scars. PRP therapy can help you get rid of acne scars and cure them permanently

Some PRP Benefits for face include the following: 

It Assures Total Rejuvenation

Collagen and elastin growth are boosted by using PRP injection. Such enhancement leads to tightening the loose skin, smoothening the wrinkles, and smoothening the fine lines along the face. Improvement in skin texture and tones of the face. PRP is most advisable for patients who experience Rosacea & acne attacks. PRP treatment can be used along with Dermapen, CO2 fractional, and chemical peels. It can be used for under-eye rejuvenation as well.

This includes hollowness under the eyes and dark circles. For this process, fillers can be used for the deeper layers to solve the condition from the roots, and the PRP treatment can be done on the superficial layers for visible results. Fillers help in the voluminousness, and PRP stimulates collagen growth, aiding in long-term skin rejuvenation.

PRP is useful for treating DELICATE AND DIFFICULT areas

Certain areas of the face are difficult to reach with other treatments. PRP breaks this obstacle easily. It can reach out to almost all areas. Apart from this, there exists a problem with delicate treatment. For example, the area under the eye is difficult to treat, as a small mistake can be costly. PRP rules out such dangers, thus ruling out the use of lasers.

It is natural 

Protection from artificial mixtures is unquestionable as they draw out your blood. But first, such blood must be separated from other unwanted blood particles. The process of separation involves centrifugal spinning. It takes five minutes to carry this out to obtain the plasma. The plasma obtained is rich in platelets. The final step is to inject it back and enhance the growth of both Collagen & elastin. PRP brightens skin.

It’s extremely safe

PRP is guaranteed safety. Safety is assured as there are no artificial solvents in the injection. It is your blood, not someone else’s, to improve things. PRP has also stood the test of time since 1970.

Long-lasting results!

PRP facial requires three sessions of treatment. Moreover, the results start emerging only after three weeks. However, the best part is that the results are long-lasting. Observations state that the results sustain from one year to eighteen months.

Get Deep Benefits of PRP Face Treatment

PRP treatment goes beyond the Hyaluronic treatment. For instance, PRP treatment for face benefits includes the following:

  • Voluminousness of the face
  • Reach out to more areas that the fillers cannot
  • Enhances skin tone
  • Removes lines and wrinkles
  • Enhances the texture
  • Smoothens the facial skin

Growth factors available in the platelet include TGF beta, epidermal and endothelial growth factors, and other platelet-derived growth factors. These growth factors are the main reason for working on the PRP treatment.

Short Summary

There are advantages and side effects when one undergoes a medical procedure. PRP has advantages only if the person qualifies. The most significant relief is that it is natural and assures long-lasting results.

Who Is A Good Candidate For PRP Face Treatment?

Now let’s talk about who can be the right candidate for this treatment. PRP for the skin is becoming very common in the present day. You can opt for the PRP treatment if you think you need it. But, the following indicators can help you understand if you are an ideal candidate for PRP treatment.

  • If you have crow rings, smile lines, or neck rings
  • If you desire skin rejuvenation in your face, neck, or hand region
  • If you wish to reduce the unmistakable appearance of acne and its scars, skin depressions, and below-the-eyes hollow
  • If you are looking for long-lasting skin rejuvenation results, in turn, improving your confidence and personality
  • If you wish to stop the aging process for your skin and give it a long-lasting glow
  • If you want to remove spots and other damage on your face and skin in general

If you are considering the PRP procedure. you can consult your doctor and ask them if you should go for the procedure and what benefits you can expect. Doctors discuss the benefits as well as the risk factors, if any, associated with the process.

PRP Procedure for Hair Restoration

Protection from artificial mixtures is unquestionable as they draw your blood. But first, such blood must be separated from other unwanted blood particles. The process of separation involves centrifugal spinning. It takes five minutes to carry this out to get the plasma. The plasma obtained is rich in platelets. The final step is to inject it back and enhance the growth of both Collagen and elastin.

Thus, PRP is the most natural non-surgical method of hair re-growth.

The treatment lasts for three sessions and four weeks, extending up to six. Thus, it is enough to attend one session for maintenance once in four months or six. The aim of such care is to cut hair loss.

The idea behind PRP treatment or procedure is simple. The scalp, found among the hair follicles, is the area it needs to heal. So what is the science behind it?

The segregated platelet-rich plasma is injected through the process explained earlier.  

  • Such platelets affect the reparative cells, making them grow in number.  
  • The newfound stimulus fights against the factors causing damage to the hair follicles and is responsible for aging.
  • The success rate is relatively high; studies reveal that 81% of people affected by Androgenic Alopecia have benefitted.
  • The end goal of PRP treatment is to stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss simultaneously.
  • It is essential to know that PRP treatment is now effective not only for hair and facial issues but for other parts of the body too.

In hair restoration, PRP is used in the case of medical conditions such as alopecia areata, scarring alopecia, telogen effluvium, alopecia androgenetic, and others. It can be used for many medical conditions, for hair loss in humans.

Short Summary

PRP is a natural treatment and turns up results quicker than any other known treatment as of date. The success rate is high, and so is the safety. More important is the fact that the same success is sure while treating other injuries in the body.

PRP for hair loss side effects

The side effects which may arise due to PRP treatment for hair loss are relatively insignificant. The reason is simple and logical. It is your plasma that is processed and injected in. Therefore, infectious diseases do not exist as third-party blood is not in the mix.

It is indeed a fact that any form of medical treatment would have side effects. Therefore, even if rare, the following side effects may occur during PRP treatment:

  • Accidental injury to either blood vessels or nerves or both
  • Rise of infection if treatment involves a person not qualified for PRP treatment
  • Build up of calcium deposits in blood vessels, organs, etc.
  • Tissues with scars before treatment
  • Allergic to Anaesthesia in use

Your doctor will discuss the treatment’s side effects with you before the surgery. If the topic is not raised, you must talk to them and ask away all your queries about the condition post-treatment and side effects that you might be concerned about.

Short Summary

It’s best to inform your physician beforehand about your existing medical issues. Even though the doctor runs medical tests to qualify you, the results may not reveal specific abnormalities you may have alone. In addition, such admissions would rule out side effects post-PRP treatment.

Risks of PRP for hair loss

Prevention is better than cure. The same adage is true with any medical procedure, including PRP treatment. PRP process for hair is a standard procedure these days. It is best to inform your doctor of the following, which would help him decide if PRP treatment for hair loss is advisable for you. Doctors would advise you against therapy if:

  • You are on medicines that thin your blood
  • You are addicted to smoking
  • You are on substances
  • You are alcoholic
  • You have cancer
  • You have infections
  • You have chronic skin diseases
  • You have liver issues
  • You suffer from metabolic disorders
  • You suffer from systemic disorders
  • You have a low platelet count
  • You are diagnosed with thyroid
  • You have Hypofibrinogenemia
  • You have platelet dysfunction syndromes
  • You have Sepsis
  • You experience hemodynamic instability

The PRP treatment is risk-free, mainly if you do not have any pre-existing condition. So make sure to let your doctor know any medical history to ensure there are no adverse effects post-PRP treatment.

Short Summary

PRP treatment is not the only treatment for hair loss; Rogaine and Propecia are also good options. Unfortunately, no study or research has proven that PRP succeeds. On the other hand, it is undoubtedly the safest way to cure hair loss.

Benefits of PRP Treatment For Hair Loss

Benefits of PRP Treatment For Hair Loss
Benefits of PRP Treatment For Hair Loss

PRP Treatment is commonly used for hair fall caused due to any medical conditions. There are many benefits of PRP Treatment For Hair Loss. Some of them are as follows:

  • Rules out the risk of infectious diseases as your platelet plasma is used in the treatment
  • Rules out any scars post-treatment (unless accidental) as it is a non-surgical form of treatment
  • Results in a natural look as before and lasts longer. The reason is it’s your DNA used
  • PRP treatment is a time-saver. You can be an out-patient, and the procedure is over within an hour
  • Post-PRP treatment does not involve precautionary measures as other treatments do.

You need to follow some basic instructions post the PRP treatment for your hair to ensure you receive the maximum benefit from the procedure. Some of the standard information that your doctor will explain in detail includes the following:

  • Normal life resumes post-PRP treatment immediately
  • Limits hair loss successfully
  • Wounds heal faster
  • Dead tissues are regenerated
  • Revitalization of scalp tissues leads to the reduction of harmful dandruff
  • Complications after surgery are non-existent
  • Rules out any pain or sensitivity in the area operated. There is no pain felt during the procedure and after it
  • Redness is downscaled post-PRP treatment
  • Aids the person who is undergoing “grafting’. The operation is smoother due to the PRP effect of regenerating tissues in an accelerated manner
  • Darker and denser hair post-treatment
  • Existing hair increases diametrically
  • Rules out cuts and incisions, as no sharp equipment is involved
  • Boost in hair stability for the first month due to a decrease in hair fall

If you notice any adverse reactions post-treatment, do not delay before flagging it to your doctor so that they can take the necessary action in time.

Short Summary

The advantages outnumber the disadvantages by a mile in PRP treatment for hair loss. Recent results have shown that it suits all ages. Actors and personalities continue to prosper as they have safe treatment in hand. As the trust grows with each day passing by, PRP treatment is bound in the right direction.

Who Is A Good Candidate For PRP For Hair Loss Treatment?

Will a PRP Treatment solve your hair fall issues? Not all kinds of hair fall are caused for the same reason. And unless there is an underlying medical condition associated with your hair fall, PRP treatment will not be able to solve it. Discuss your situation with your doctor to understand how PRP Treatment can solve it. In general, the ideal candidates for hair loss PRP treatment are as listed below:

  • Who contains in them a certain quantity of platelets
  • Who are healthy

On the other hand, people with the following issues would never qualify for PRP treatment.

  • A person who is on medication that thins his blood
  • A person with blood disorders
  • A person who is a heavy smoker
  • A person with infections in his scalp and skin

Judge your condition before you go for the PRP treatment for hair loss. Your doctor can help you decide as the reasons vary from case to case.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy Procedure for knee arthritis 

Let us know how the use of PRP helps in relieving knee pain. PRP is used in Osteoarthritis, rotator calf injury, tendonitis, shoulder injuries, Achilles tendonitis, painful heel treatment, etc. Knee arthritis is a prevalent condition among people these days, primarily owing to lifestyle conditions. PRP can be done to treat knee arthritis as well. Know more about the PRP therapy Procedure for knee arthritis.

What is PRP therapy for knee arthritis?

Recent studies have reflected that PRP treatment for knee arthritis can be effective. However, the results are found faithful only in certain types of platelet-rich plasmas. Therefore, the best outcome is to improve low-grade knee arthritis to moderate grade through PRP.

What is the procedure for knee arthritis?

The procedure is simple and involves the following steps:

  • The doctor removes the blood and segregates the rich plasma from the total extraction.
  • The next step is to inject the blood concentration back into your knee. The blood, which is rich in plasma, has specific healing and growth factors. The knee tissues receive rejuvenation in this manner, and the healing begins.
  • The injection is on the muscles and tendons area.

One should bear in mind there is no permanent cure for Osteoarthritis. The patient would experience discomfort from the mild swelling, which develops post-PRP treatment. The reason for this pain is that the muscles and tendons experience the piercing directly. The pain is more when compared to an injection at the joints.

The discomfort can last three days. The patient can walk after two days even though some have recovered faster and walked after 24 hours. The patient is advised not to run or walk quickly, which may pressure the treated area.

Short Summary

PRP treatment for the knee has proven to be effective. One needs to compare other forms of treatments for knee Osteoarthritis with PRP. Findings state that the pain levels and recovery are lesser and faster, respectively, compared to Placebo.

Risk of PRP Therapy for Knee Arthritis Treatment

As we know, PRP treatment injects your blood plasma to cure you. The very fact is convincing enough of a risk-free procedure. The risk involved in PRP treatment for knee Osteoarthritis are as follows:

  • A pain that might range from mild to moderate
  • The pain exists in the injected area only
  • The heartbeat tends to get rapid (above average)
  • Nerves may experience damage, but in the area of treatment only
  • Sweating more than normal
  • Nausea, stiffness, and headache
  • Dizziness followed by fainting

All the above are primarily in a milder form only. Depending on your knee condition and its acuteness, the effects of PRP treatment for the knee will vary. Most treatments aim at complete recovery of the knee condition. Still, the actual benefits can only be determined by your medical history and how good your surgeon is at providing the treatment.

Short Summary

Although PRP treatment involves no risk, physicians have yet to recommend it with full belief. Future studies should be able to convince one and all of the risk-free nature of the post-PRP treatment.

Benefits of PRP Therapy For Knee Arthritis Treatment

Benefits of PRP Therapy For Knee Arthritis Treatment
Benefits of PRP Therapy For Knee Arthritis Treatment

PRP treatment is not similar to other, more traditional treatments of arthritis. PRP helps treat the following types of arthritis, along with the one on the knees. PRP benefits for knees are in the following conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia

Here are the expected PRP benefits for knees:

  • Increased flexibility
  • Lowered stiffness
  • Decrease in pain
  • Free movement of feet
  • Improves overall look
  • Reduction in hip pain
  • Reduction in back pain
  • Reduction in neck pain

Short Summary

The most considerable benefit of PRP treatment is that it is non-surgical. As a result, the tissues and cells experience an acceleration. Such an acceleration aids the treatment of many other issues in the body. The additional benefit is that it cures from the root and provides long-lasting relief.

Who Is A Good Candidate For PRP For Knee Arthritis Treatment?

Problems with the knee are associated with pain, slow mobility, and sudden swelling accompanied by stiffness. Knee problems can be of two types. One is injury, and the other is arthritis.

PRP treatment does help in reducing arthritis only if you qualify for that treatment. Therefore, you are eligible as a good or ideal candidate if,

  • You have an injury in the tendon region
  • If your diagnosis results say you have mild to moderate Osteoarthritis
  • If the pain is chronic

Further, preparing yourself to rest for a particular period would be best. Finally, you should be ready for physical therapy and not be allergic to any medication the doctor may prescribe.

Risk for PRP Therapy for knee arthritis

Risk for PRP Therapy for knee arthritis or PRP treatment, in general, are involved in the following conditions:

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Infections that might aggravate during treatment
  • Cancer

Even though certain risks exist, the benefits outnumber them vastly. As medical science progresses, it will not be long before we find PRP treatment as the most recommended treatment for many issues. PRP treatment is becoming quite popular in the present day. There are quite a few interesting facts about PRP treatment that might make you attracted to the treatment.

Short Summary

Studies showed that the impact of PRP treatment on an otherwise healthy patient in the case of Osteoarthritis was almost the same as stem cell therapy. Considering the cost of PRP treatment was much lower than stem cell treatment, it has become a more affordable solution for patients these days.


PRP injections are safe as they segregate your healthy blood, and the treatment can also help to grow hair or reduce hair fall. Doctors can also use it to start the curing process for knee arthritis. The best part is that it can make your face look healthy and younger and boost your personality. What conditions you wish to treat using PRP treatment and how well your doctor can carry it out decide the effectiveness. Before the treatment, ask your doctor about your doubts regarding the treatment, the recovery process, and the side effects that may follow. Follow all instructions given by your doctor to ensure quick recovery and success in the procedure.


  • Harrison P, Cramer EM. Platelet alpha-granules. Blood Rev. 1993;7:52–62. (Link)
  • Chliephake H. Bone growth factors in maxillofacial skeletal reconstruction. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2002;31:469–84. (Link)
  • Sunitha Raja V, Munirathnam Naidu E. Platelet-rich fibrin: Evolution of a second-generation platelet concentrate. Indian J Dent Res. 2008;19:42–6. (Link)


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Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon and the owner of Care Well Medical Centre in Delhi. With extensive expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery, he is dedicated to providing exceptional care and transformative results to his patients. Dr. Sandeep Bhasin obtained his MBBS and MS in General Surgery from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and served as a consultant at Bhaktshreshtha Kamalakarpant Laxman Walawalkar Hospital, Diagnostic & Research Centre. Specializing in various procedures such as face-lifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, hair transplant and many others, Dr. Sandeep Bhasin is committed to enhancing his patients' natural beauty and self-confidence.

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